Barbara DeMarco-Barrett, host of Writers on Writing, welcomed writer Ron Carlson to her podcast this morning. Ron is the director of the MFA/Fiction Program at the University of California, Irvine, and was one of our workshop leaders at the Squaw Valley Writers’ Workshops this summer. Barbara and Ron discussed his new book, RON CARLSON WRITES A STORY.
During the interview, Ron said stories are created in the dark, and that we as writers must tolerate their ambiguity and trust our instincts when putting words to paper. He also said it’s important that writers stay with the writing, even when it feels substandard – a challenge he too finds daunting. He illustrated this point by stating when he gets stuck, he sometimes gets up from his chair and leaves the room, then wanders into another room – invariably the kitchen – to pour a cup of coffee and pray a sentence will emerge. Better to sit tight and work it out, he maintains -- dance with the desk what brung ya.
Thanks for posting this, Renee. Ron is not only a wonderful short story writer, he can deconstruct the writing process. As you know, I'm a big fan of his. He's been on the show a bunch of times since I started my show 10 years ago and a few of them are podcast at the sight.
Great blog, by the way. I'm going to direct my birding friend your way.
I ordered Ron's book from Amazon last night, Barbara, and will be sure to listen to your other interviews with him. Your podcast has also provided lots of insight relative to my agent search, as well. Thanks for providing this great service!
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