Checked out A ROOM WITH A VIEW and HOWARDS END by E.M. Forster from the library today. Cover proclaims these are "stories of extreme contrasts -- in values, social class and cultural perspectives. Romantic relationships lead to conventional happiness in the delightful social comedy A ROOM WITH A VIEW, and to unexpected scandal in the richer, deeply moving novel HOWARDS END," which of course I'll read first.
I just ordered The Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird from Amazon. Here's to the classics!
You bought two of the best, and what's interesting about those books is that if sold today, they'd be marketed as YA novels. Those were the good ol' days, when you could just write a terrific story, and let it stand on its own. Everything today has to have a label, to the detriment of the author and the reading public, I think. But it is what it is, and I hope I'm wise enough to accept it.
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