April 29, 2009

Birdwatching Bonanza

Spotted during walk along the trail this afternoon:
  • 1 barn own (it flew directly overhead and landed in a stand of cottonwoods near the creek)
  • 1 black phoebe
  • 1 lesser goldfinch
  • 1 California quail
  • 1 zippy little lizard with short, stout legs
  • 2 downed saplings and a big pile of wood chips (the beavers are back in the neighborhood pond -- maybe we'll see some kits soon)


Anonymous said...

Difference between city living and country walking.

Miley spotted on her walk today... her first rat. She found it all by herself. Stuffed her massive, oversized head in the bushes and the little guy popped up, started and then scattered. Miley was so proud. Walked around with her chest all puffed out for about five minutes.

Renee Thompson said...

She should have been here the day we spotted that alligator lizard in the yard. It was freaky! Nice thing about having a dog around -- they keep the weird stuff at bay.