January 27, 2010

Who Cooks For You? Who? Who?

This great horned owl and his (her?) mate have been hovering around this redwood tree for a couple of weeks now. The tree is roughly 50 yards from the backyard, and the owls balance at the very top in the early morning, around 7 a.m., and again in the evening, around 5 p.m., calling to a third owl, somewhere in the distance.

This morning, they both flew from the redwood to the eucalyptus, then back to the redwood again; when one flew off, the other sat tight, so Steve ran upstairs to fetch his camera. This is the result, although he wasn't thrilled -- the sky was overcast and the light poor -- but I think it's pretty good.

He also ordered an owl call from Cabela's; instructions say to blow it as if you're saying: "Who cooks for you? Who? Who?" But every time we try, we crack up. Which means we won't quit our day jobs.

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